Friday, February 24, 2012

Flying Solo..Bridesmaid Edition


eddings and babies seem to come in waves.. last summer it was babies the summer before that I had 4 weddings in 6 weeks; it was nuts. Because I am perpetually single and have friends getting married at a rate faster than the speed of light I often  find myself doing the wedding date hustle; this is where I go through a list of guy friends that would be acceptable to take to a wedding. These men have to be able to handle themselves, be fun and willing to take many pictures. The last wedding I went to I took a friend and he did really well actually, I will thank my days of prepping him about the family and what to expect. I also prepped the family to clarify that this dude was NOT my boyfriend so please don't hound him with questions. I have to give it to him he was stoked about it and was more gung ho than most dates I've taken to weddings... go figure

When Mer messaged me asking for my address and the name of my date it took me some time to respond. I thought long and hard as to who I would bring. The Albrechts are like no other family, it takes a strong one to compete amongst them. One has to be prepared to talk a lot and dance and drink even longer; after some long thought it finally hit me I'M SINGLE! Why am I going to force this guy to help me pretend to be something else? Why do I need a date in the first place? I am a bridesmaid in this wedding and wont have a lot of time to deal with a date; he in turn would spend a lot of time by himself anyway. So I finally replied to Mer and kindly told her it is just me..flying solo on this one give my "date's" plate to someone else who will really appreciate it.

This girl will be me in a few months, only with less of a surly look and an exponentially higher amount of bosom... oh and better shoes.
Bill Levkoff - 560

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