Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Special Valentine for a Special Lady

Happy Valentine's Day! 

I am sending this out without the least bit of bitterness or condescending tone. I get that this day can be a bit morose for those of us who are of the single persuasion but I like to think of it as a day to tell all the ones you love that you love them. I invite you to take the time to send some love to everyone in your life that is special to you and don't dwell on the fact that you maybe minus a mate. If you have a mate remember that you should be loving them all year round. I hope you all are spending this day with at least one person you care for, I decided to write to the person I care for the most in this entire world!

When I started to think about who I wanted to send a letter to honestly the first person I thought of was my mum. Then I thought it would be the easy thing to do would be to write a letter to her and I didn't want to do that,  after all this entire blog is fighting my previous challenges. However,  the more and more I tried to think about people I admired no one stood out more than my mother; to me she is the most amazing woman in my world . She is strong, beautiful, and loving and I can only hope to be half the woman that she is one day.

My mom and I haven't always had the best relationship but the place that we are in now is so wonderful. She is like the pillar of wisdom and strength and I cannot wait to seek her knowledge. Sometimes my mom and I battle {I mean what mother and daughter doesn't} but honestly I was always just seeking her approval and I wanted her to know where I was coming from. She always encourages me AND challenges me to dig a little deeper and not to act on impulse {except for shopping}. The best thing my mom ever said to me was that she was proud of me and so happy to have me as her daughter. It is funny how much of her I see in myself. I have definitely developed her tough "give em hell" attitude and I refuse to except less than what I deserve {easier to do in some parts of my life than others}. I have learned through her to fight for what I want and for those that I love and are loyal to me. I owe that all to her, she lets me become the woman that I am with her guidance; even when there were times when I just wanted her to do it for me.

I decided to send her a special card {made by ME, thanks paper source and big marge} just saying thank you for being my mom and that I appreciate her everyday. I think that I am very lucky to come from a long long long line of strong women and all have taught me that things will be okay as long as you can count on yourself and surround yourself with good to the soul people. I can happily say that I can do both. I have to also say because I am me and wait until the last minute to do EVERYTHING, I didn't get her card in the mail in time for her to get it today. Hopefully she will take my very public gushing of her as an appropriate apology. 

 Marge's Creations at Crafter's Night Out

so to my mother I say:

Mummy, I love you for all your support and love and most importantly thank you for making those mean girls in Girl Scouts share the cookie selling table with me! It was the first time that I learned the importance of fighting for what is right.

xoxo ~ Cher Cher

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