Sunday, May 6, 2012

What Should We Call ALUM!

Greetings! It has been awhile since I have posted be honest I just have not been in the mood to write and I also got caught up in other people's blogs (all happen to be way better than mine). Anyhoo you will be glad to know that I have been busy doing things and I can cross some stuff off my list. I finished more books, checked out some awesome museums that I haven't seen and ohh yea I FINALLY GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE!!!!!

This past weekend I traveled up to my beloved happy valley and participated in a right of passage that has been coming for way too long (I graduated from high school in 2003, you do that math). I haven't been the most excited about celebrating just because I felt like it was kind of silly. I thought celebrating was for those who graduated in an appropriate amount of time. However, I can say when I put on that cap and gown on Saturday and got to hear my name being called it was amazing. My journey to graduation may have been long but I am a much more complex person because of it. I like the person I am now and that happened because of the experiences I have had.

My amazing family and my 2nd family (City Year teammates) made the trek down to support me and I have to say that I am so lucky! It was great spending that much time with them, I cannot wait to come back as an alum with them and show them a REAL Penn State weekend...monkey boys included! 

There is a lot happening in the next few weeks, including but not limited to: a move, a wedding, and 10 days in a car driving across country! Stay tuned! 

                                          WE ARE!