Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Long Hair Don't Care

Yea so that is a lie, long hair I DO CARE! I should have put it on my list from the beginning because it is something that I have been thinking about for a very long time. So I am putting in an addendum this is item 27b.  I always get to a point where I have stopped getting relaxers and my hair gets nappy and I swear this is it and then I get talked into taking another hit of the creamy crack! Well NO MORE! I have decided to finally do it! to chop of all my dry , treated hair and go natural. For those of you who don't know what that means, look it up in urbandictionary.com....I keed! It means that you cut out all of the processed hair and your naturally untreated hair remains.

There are many ways in which to do this, none of them include a magic serum that will strip your hair of the relaxer and leave beautiful kinks in its place along with your length. The fastest processes requires what us black girls like to call the "big chop" this is where you cut off all the relaxed hair and leave your natural nappy roots in its place. I finally decided that I was ready to let my length go and work on having thick beautiful natural hair again. However, my mom talked me out of the BIG CHOP  and for now I will be growing and cutting, growing and cutting until all of the relaxer is gone. I cut a couple of inches off this weekend in areas that needed it. I hope to head to the salon this week to get the rest of my head done.

I never realized how much of my self worth and beauty was wrapped up in my hair but as I thought about it the more I realized that I really did not take that good care of my hair and often had stylist, family members and strangers tell me "you know how lucky you are, people would KILL for your hair" I would often give them an awkward smile and mumble a quick "I know and thank you" and brush it off and continue reading my magiaze making sure my eyeroll was covered by the JET beauty of the week. I know that I have a lot more to offer than what is on my head and if some dude can't see past that then he probably has a small penis and I don't want to be associated with him juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! Large penis guys  can be stupid too. But seriously he isn't someone that I want to spend time with because his pea size brain couldn't keep up with my beautiful bald head. I look forward to a year of fun wigs and hair styles and never having to have a burnt scalp again!

ps- I will claim this as the first thing I have begun working on on my list! #teamwinning LEHGO!

                                     Check out some great hair moments! So long!

nice and fluffy

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