Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Foot in Front of the Other


oday I took my first steps {literally} to hit my goal of running in a 5k, that's 3.2 miles people {for this chubby girl that might as well be a million}. I do not know why I have this deep want to complete something that I detest more than girls with straight bangs and curly hair but I do. I feel like running races and shit is on the list of things white people like right between gentrification and wearing those weird toe shoes...and definitely not made for people with my melanin count {unless you're Kenyan}. Personally I think that I haven't got on board with the idea of running because it seems so cliché of people my age and I hate doing things because others are doing them. It is the same reason why I refuse to be sent to Africa if I get into the Peace Corps..I don't want to be ANOTHER person that wants to save the poor African children {I realize that sounds worse than I mean it}. What it means is that I want to do things because I have a connection to it and I want to run because I am concurring a long arch nemesis of mine and I want to go to a country that needs me just as much as those countries in Africa.

It has been a personal challenge of mine since middle school to run the mile without stopping. You remember mile days don't you? They always came at the end of the President's fit test week, which I would like to add I did pretty well on. But as the week would progress the dread of the impending doom that was the mile would creep up on me like a case of the BG's. Eventually I learned that male PE teachers hated all things feminine and because I was a smart ass, my period would magically pop up on mile day...muahahahahaha!

Like most things in life making the first move is the most difficult thing and just like life, it is the first runs that are the hardest. I jogged, walked, hopped a little over the break but I completed my first official run today! I decided to use the couch to 5k program because it breaks everything up for me and is gradual. I downloaded the free app on my phone and run with that. It is a decent app because it beeps to tell you when to switch from walking to running. I started this program this summer and got 3 weeks in then it got too hot and I missed the race I wanted to do but the program really does work. I found myself hating life a little less during each run. If any of you want the schedule for the program click here.

I was really hoping to get in to the Cherry Blossom 5k but when I went to sign up it was full so I am hoping that I can buy someone’s bib and still run it. I am going to train like I am running it though and if I don't get a bib, I will just try and run some other 5k at that time. 

Finally I would like to point out that I will never run a marathon, I hate running, I don’t feel good doing it and I probably look worse but there is something truly great in finishing something. When I finished this run I felt great I was on this high and I didn't DIE!
to make this true, the bottom photo is ALSO how I feel

Week 1 day 1... check!

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